Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Save DC Minimates

Word is, DC Minimates may be headed for the big toybox in the sky. But if you're here, you must have at least some interest in that not happening.

The good news is, according to sources, there are still some characters on the drawing board. The bad news is, DC Direct is on the fence about soliciting them. Sales too low, wonky character selection, oil is just too darned expensive to be in the toy business these days – who knows what happened? The important thing is, there may be a shot at seeing the line continue, or at least go out with a bang, instead of "Ambush Bug? WTF?!?"

So I think of this blog as an open letter to DC Direct. Let them know you want more DC 'Mates, what you want to see, and what you'll do to support them. 

C'mon guys. Give us one more wave.

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